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Winter storms caused nearly $6 billion in insured losses in 2022, the second-highest year on record for winter storm insured losses in the last ten years, according to Aon. The third costliest winter event since 1950 occurred in December 2022, amounting to $3.5 billion insured losses. Winter storms ...

By Bill WILson

I recently had a neighbor who couldn’t turn off the radio in his car. When he turned the ignition off, the radio continued to play until it drained the battery. Turns out it was a faulty circuit board and it took 4 months to get a new one.

This past weekend I was reading about how a...

As I have expressed on many occasions, I believe the myth that insurance is a commodity differentiated only by price is the greatest misconception perpetrated on the public. Sadly, most of the misconception comes from our own industry in the form of price-focus...

The size and importance of Ohio’s insurance industry can be measured in several ways — but any way you look at it, the Ohio insurance industry is a key economic driver of the state’s economy. With more than 250 insurance companies based in Ohio, jobs and financial security are provided to a workforc...

The US Supreme Court decided Monday that it will not hear an appeal of a decision that denied coverage for losses caused by COVID-19 shutdown orders, effectively closing the last door for such claims in the federal court system.

The court declined a petition by Goodwill Industries of Central Oklaho...

The Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO) announced the new 2022 homeowners program in March. The format of the new 2022 homeowners coverage forms has changed and new coverage provisions have been added since the previous, 2011 version.  

Be the expert on these changes and stay ahea...

ISO has released its upcoming homeowners multi-state filing. This is the first major revision of the homeowners form in over 11 years and will be effective in March 2022.

Within this filing, ISO:

  • Introduced one new form and 12 new endorsements.
  • Revised 120 forms and endorsements.
  • Withdrew 11...
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